Algunos aspectos del proceso de socialización del derecho de propiedad en Chile durante el gobierno del general Carlos Ibañez del Campo (1927–1931)


  • Enrique Brahm García Santiago



The military intervention in 1924 ended, in the political sphere, the parliamentary regime, while in the economic and social field it attacked frontally the dominant liberal principles in Chile which had existed since the early decades of the nineteenth century, leading to greater state intervention. Among other things this led to questioning of the traditional concept of domain as regulated by the Constitution and the Civil Code. Thus, when the leader of the military movement, Carlos Ibáñez, assumed the presidency of the republic in 1927, he promoted the enactment of a series of legal standards that were intended to realise the social function of property, for example in the context of the colonisation of the southern territories of the country, in the regulation of urban property and in expropriation. That policy, its doctrinal foundations, the European models that inspired them and the discussion that was generated in relation to them, are the subject of this work.



How to Cite

Brahm García, Enrique, Algunos aspectos del proceso de socialización del derecho de propiedad en Chile durante el gobierno del general Carlos Ibañez del Campo (1927–1931), in: Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History Rg 20 (2013) 234-256, online:


