Encounters, Interactions, and Connectivities from an Art Historical Perspective
transcultural art history, premodern artistic dynamics, short- and long-distance connectivities, artistic creations and negotiations of space, intersections between visual and material cultureAbstract
Transcultural encounters, interactions, and connectivities have been among the core interests of the discipline of art history in recent years. Focusing on the premodern period, this image series addresses these issues through a number of case studies ranging from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean world, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Pacific. By no means exhaustive, the following case studies are analyzed paying equal attention to diverse materials, media, and their intersections from architecture and objects of material culture to maps and paintings. Approached from an empirico-historical perspective and addressing some methodological problems, this image series thus aims to introduce readers to and sharpen our understanding of the current reflections within the field of research.
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